
mmeval.metrics.end_point_error 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.

import numpy as np
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, overload

from mmeval.core.base_metric import BaseMetric
from mmeval.core.dispatcher import dispatch
from mmeval.utils import try_import

    import oneflow
    import oneflow as flow
    import torch
    torch = try_import('torch')
    flow = try_import('oneflow')

[文档]class EndPointError(BaseMetric): """EndPointError evaluation metric. EndPointError is a widely used evaluation metric for optical flow estimation. This metric supports 3 kinds of inputs, i.e. `numpy.ndarray` and `torch.Tensor`, `oneflow.Tensor`, and the implementation for the calculation depends on the inputs type. Args: **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to :class:`BaseMetric`. Examples: >>> from mmeval import EndPointError >>> epe = EndPointError() Use NumPy implementation: >>> import numpy as np >>> predictions = np.array( ... [[[10., 5.], [0.1, 3.]], ... [[3., 15.2], [2.4, 4.5]]]) >>> labels = np.array( ... [[[10.1, 4.8], [10, 3.]], ... [[6., 10.2], [2.0, 4.1]]]) >>> valid_masks = np.array([[1., 1.], [1., 0.]]) >>> epe(predictions, labels, valid_masks) {'EPE': 5.318186230865093} Use PyTorch implementation: >>> import torch >>> predictions = torch.Tensor( ... [[[10., 5.], [0.1, 3.]], ... [[3., 15.2], [2.4, 4.5]]]) >>> labels = torch.Tensor( ... [[[10.1, 4.8], [10, 3.]], ... [[6., 10.2], [2.0, 4.1]]]) >>> valid_masks = torch.Tensor([[1., 1.], [1., 0.]]) >>> epe(predictions, labels, valid_masks) {'EPE': 5.3181863} Accumulate batch: >>> for i in range(10): ... predictions = torch.randn(10, 10, 2) ... labels = torch.randn(10, 10, 2) ... epe.add(predictions, labels) >>> epe.compute() # doctest: +SKIP """ def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs)
[文档] def add(self, predictions: Sequence, labels: Sequence, valid_masks: Optional[Sequence] = None) -> None: # type: ignore # yapf: disable # noqa: E501 """Process one batch of predictions and labels. Args: predictions (Sequence): Predicted sequence of flow map with shape (H, W, 2). labels (Sequence): The ground truth sequence of flow map with shape (H, W, 2). valid_masks (Sequence): The Sequence of valid mask for labels with shape (H, W). If it is None, this function will automatically generate a map filled with 1. Defaults to None. """ for idx, (prediction, label) in enumerate(zip(predictions, labels)): assert prediction.shape == label.shape, 'The shape of ' \ '`prediction` and `label` should be the same, but got: ' \ f'{prediction.shape} and {label.shape}' assert prediction.shape[-1] == 2, 'The last dimension of ' \ f'`prediction` should be 2, but got: {prediction.shape[-1]}' if valid_masks is not None: valid_mask = valid_masks[idx] else: valid_mask = None epe, num_valid_pixel = self.end_point_error_map( prediction, label, valid_mask) self._results.append((epe, num_valid_pixel))
@overload # type: ignore @dispatch def end_point_error_map( self, prediction: np.ndarray, label: np.ndarray, valid_mask: Optional[np.ndarray] = None) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, int]: """Calculate end point error map. Args: prediction (np.ndarray): Prediction with shape (H, W, 2). label (np.ndarray): Ground truth with shape (H, W, 2). valid_mask (np.ndarray, optional): Valid mask with shape (H, W). Returns: Tuple: The mean of end point error and the numbers of valid labels. """ if valid_mask is None: valid_mask = np.ones_like(prediction[..., 0]) epe_map = np.sqrt(np.sum((prediction - label)**2, axis=-1)) val = valid_mask.reshape(-1) >= 0.5 epe = epe_map.reshape(-1)[val] return epe.mean(keepdims=True), int(val.sum()) @overload @dispatch def end_point_error_map( # type: ignore self, prediction: 'torch.Tensor', label: 'torch.Tensor', valid_mask: Optional['torch.Tensor'] = None ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, int]: # yapf: disable """Calculate end point error map. Args: prediction (torch.Tensor): Prediction with shape (H, W, 2). label (torch.Tensor): Ground truth with shape (H, W, 2). valid_mask (torch.Tensor, optional): Valid mask with shape (H, W). Returns: Tuple: The mean of end point error and the numbers of valid labels. """ if valid_mask is None: valid_mask = torch.ones_like(prediction[..., 0]) epe_map = torch.sqrt(torch.sum((prediction - label)**2, dim=-1)) val = valid_mask.reshape(-1) >= 0.5 epe = epe_map.reshape(-1)[val] return epe.mean().cpu().numpy(), int(val.sum())
[文档] @dispatch def end_point_error_map( self, prediction: 'oneflow.Tensor', label: 'oneflow.Tensor', valid_mask: Optional['oneflow.Tensor'] = None ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, int]: """Calculate end point error map. Args: prediction (oneflow.Tensor): Prediction with shape (H, W, 2). label (oneflow.Tensor): Ground truth with shape (H, W, 2). valid_mask (oneflow.Tensor, optional): Valid mask with shape (H, W). Returns: Tuple: The mean of end point error and the numbers of valid labels. """ if valid_mask is None: valid_mask = flow.ones_like(prediction[..., 0]) epe_map = flow.sqrt(flow.sum((prediction - label)**2, dim=-1)) val = valid_mask.reshape(-1) >= 0.5 epe = epe_map.reshape(-1)[val] return epe.mean().cpu().numpy(), int(val.sum())
[文档] def compute_metric(self, results: List[Tuple[np.ndarray, int]]) -> dict: """Compute the EndPointError metric. This method would be invoked in `BaseMetric.compute` after distributed synchronization. Args: results (List[np.ndarray]): This list has already been synced across all ranks. This is a list of `np.ndarray`, which is the end point error map between the prediction and the label. Returns: Dict: The computed metric, with following key: - EPE, the mean end point error of all pairs. """ epe_overall = sum(res[0] * res[1] for res in results) valid_pixels = sum(res[1] for res in results) metric_results = {'EPE': epe_overall / valid_pixels} return metric_results
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