
Distributed Communication Backend

The distributed communication requirements required by MMEval in the distributed evaluation mainly include the following:

  • All-gather the intermediate results of the metric saved in each process.

  • Broadcast the metric result calculated by the rank 0 process to all processes

In order to flexibly support multiple distributed communication libraries, MMEval abstracts the above distributed communication requirements and defines a distributed communication interface BaseDistBackend:

classDiagram class BaseDistBackend BaseDistBackend : +bool is_initialized BaseDistBackend : +int rank BaseDistBackend : +int world_size BaseDistBackend : +all_gather_object() BaseDistBackend : +broadcast_object()

To implement a distributed communication backend, you need to inherit BaseDistBackend and implement the above interfaces, where:

  • is_initialized: identifies whether the initialization of the distributed communication environment has been completed.

  • rank: the rank index of the current process group.

  • world_size: the world size of the current process group.

  • all_gather_object: perform the all_tather operation on any Python object that can be serialized by Pickle.

  • broadcast_object: broadcasts any Python object that can be serialized by Pickle.

Take the implementation of MPI4PyDist as an example:

from mpi4py import MPI

class MPI4PyDist(BaseDistBackend):
    """A distributed communication backend for mpi4py."""

    def is_initialized(self) -> bool:
        """Returns True if the distributed environment has been initialized."""
        return 'OMPI_COMM_WORLD_SIZE' in os.environ

    def rank(self) -> int:
        """Returns the rank index of the current process group."""
        comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
        return comm.Get_rank()

    def world_size(self) -> int:
        """Returns the world size of the current process group."""
        comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
        return comm.Get_size()

    def all_gather_object(self, obj: Any) -> List[Any]:
        """All gather the given object from the current process group and
        returns a list consisting gathered object of each process."""
        comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
        return comm.allgather(obj)

    def broadcast_object(self, obj: Any, src: int = 0) -> Any:
        """Broadcast the given object from source process to the current
        process group."""
        comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
        return comm.bcast(obj, root=src)

Some distributed communication backends have been implemented in MMEval, which can be viewed in the support matrix.

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