
Using Distributed Evaluation

Distributed evaluation generally uses a strategy of data parallelism, where each process executes the same program to process different data.

The supported distributed communication backends in MMEval can be viewed via list_all_backends.

import mmeval

# ['non_dist', 'mpi4py', 'tf_horovod', 'torch_cpu', 'torch_cuda', ...]

This section shows how to use MMEval in the combination of torch.distributed and MPI4Py for distributed evaluation, using the CIFAR-10 dataset as an example. The related code can be found at mmeval/examples/cifar10_dist_eval.

Prepare the evaluation dataset and model

First of all, we need to load the CIFAR-10 test data, we can use the dataset classes provided by Torchvison.

In addition, to be able to slice the dataset according to the number of processes in a distributed evaluation, we need to introduce the DistributedSampler.

import torchvision as tv
from import DataLoader, DistributedSampler

def get_eval_dataloader(rank=0, num_replicas=1):
    dataset = tv.datasets.CIFAR10(
        root='./', train=False, download=True,
    dist_sampler = DistributedSampler(
        dataset, num_replicas=num_replicas, rank=rank)
    data_loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=1, sampler=dist_sampler)
    return data_loader, len(dataset)

Secondly, we need to prepare the model to be evaluated, here we use resnet18 from Torchvision.

import torch
import torchvision as tv

def get_model(pretrained_model_fpath=None):
    model = tv.models.resnet18(num_classes=10)
    if pretrained_model_fpath is not None:
    return model.eval()

Single process evaluation

After preparing the test data and the model, the model predictions can be evaluated using the mmeval.Accuracy metric. The following is an example of a single process evaluation.

import tqdm
import torch
from mmeval import Accuracy

eval_dataloader, total_num_samples = get_eval_dataloader()
model = get_model()
# Instantiate `Accuracy` and calculate the top1 and top3 accuracy
accuracy = Accuracy(topk=(1, 3))

with torch.no_grad():
    for images, labels in tqdm.tqdm(eval_dataloader):
        predicted_score = model(images)
        # Accumulate batch data, intermediate results will be saved in
        # `accuracy._results`.
        accuracy.add(predictions=predicted_score, labels=labels)

# Invoke `accuracy.compute` for metric calculation
# Invoke `accuracy.reset` to clear the intermediate results saved in
# `accuracy._results`

Distributed evaluation with torch.distributed

There are two distributed communication backends implemented in MMEval for torch.distributed, TorchCPUDist and TorchCUDADist.

There are 2 ways to set up a distributed communication backend for MMEval:

from mmeval.core import set_default_dist_backend
from mmeval import Accuracy

# 1. Set the global default distributed communication backend.

# 2. Initialize the evaluation metrics by passing `dist_backend`.
accuracy = Accuracy(dist_backend='torch_cpu')

Together with the above code for single process evaluation, the distributed evaluation can be implemented by adding the distributed environment startup and initialization.

import tqdm
import torch
from mmeval import Accuracy

def eval_fn(rank, process_num):
    # Distributed environment initialization

    eval_dataloader, total_num_samples = get_eval_dataloader(rank, process_num)
    model = get_model()
    # Instantiate `Accuracy` and set up a distributed communication backend
    accuracy = Accuracy(topk=(1, 3), dist_backend='torch_cpu')

    with torch.no_grad():
        for images, labels in tqdm.tqdm(eval_dataloader, disable=(rank!=0)):
            predicted_score = model(images)
            accuracy.add(predictions=predicted_score, labels=labels)

    # Specify the number of dataset samples by size in order to remove
    # duplicate samples padded by the `DistributedSampler`.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Number of distributed processes
    process_num = 3
    # Launching distributed with spawn
        eval_fn, nprocs=process_num, args=(process_num, ))

Distributed evaluation with MPI4Py

MMEval has decoupled the distributed communication capability. While the above example uses the PyTorch model and data loading, we can still use distributed communication backends other than torch.distributed to implement distributed evaluation.

The following will show how to use MPI4Py as a distributed communication backend for distributed evaluation.

First, you need to install MPI4Py and openmpi, it is recommended to use conda to install.

conda install openmpi
conda install mpi4py

Then modify the above code to use MPI4Py as the distributed communication backend:


import tqdm
from mpi4py import MPI
import torch
from mmeval import Accuracy

def eval_fn(rank, process_num):
    eval_dataloader, total_num_samples = get_eval_dataloader(rank, process_num)
    model = get_model()
    accuracy = Accuracy(topk=(1, 3), dist_backend='mpi4py')

    with torch.no_grad():
        for images, labels in tqdm.tqdm(eval_dataloader, disable=(rank!=0)):
            predicted_score = model(images)
            accuracy.add(predictions=predicted_score, labels=labels)


if __name__ == "__main__":
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    eval_fn(comm.Get_rank(), comm.Get_size())

Using mpirun as the distributed launch method.

# Launch 3 processes with mpirun
mpirun -np 3 python3
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