
mmeval.metrics.char_recall_precision 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import re
from difflib import SequenceMatcher
from typing import Dict, Sequence, Tuple

from mmeval.core import BaseMetric

[文档]class CharRecallPrecision(BaseMetric): r"""Calculate the char level recall & precision. Args: letter_case (str): There are three options to alter the letter cases - unchanged: Do not change prediction texts and labels. - upper: Convert prediction texts and labels into uppercase characters. - lower: Convert prediction texts and labels into lowercase characters. Usually, it only works for English characters. Defaults to 'unchanged'. invalid_symbol (str): A regular expression to filter out invalid or not cared characters. Defaults to '[^A-Za-z0-9\u4e00-\u9fa5]'. **kwargs: Keyword parameters passed to :class:`BaseMetric`. Examples: >>> from mmeval import CharRecallPrecision >>> metric = CharRecallPrecision() >>> metric(['helL', 'HEL'], ['hello', 'HELLO']) {'char_recall': 0.6, 'char_precision': 0.8571428571428571} >>> metric = CharRecallPrecision(letter_case='upper') >>> metric(['helL', 'HEL'], ['hello', 'HELLO']) {'char_recall': 0.7, 'char_precision': 1.0} """ def __init__(self, letter_case: str = 'unchanged', invalid_symbol: str = '[^A-Za-z0-9\u4e00-\u9fa5]', **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) assert letter_case in ['unchanged', 'upper', 'lower'] self.letter_case = letter_case self.invalid_symbol = re.compile(invalid_symbol)
[文档] def add(self, predictions: Sequence[str], groundtruths: Sequence[str]) -> None: # type: ignore # yapf: disable # noqa: E501 """Process one batch of data and predictions. Args: predictions (list[str]): The prediction texts. groundtruths (list[str]): The ground truth texts. """ for pred, label in zip(predictions, groundtruths): if self.letter_case in ['upper', 'lower']: pred = getattr(pred, self.letter_case)() label = getattr(label, self.letter_case)() valid_label = self.invalid_symbol.sub('', label) valid_pred = self.invalid_symbol.sub('', pred) # number to calculate char level recall & precision true_positive_char_num = self._cal_true_positive_char( valid_pred, valid_label) self._results.append( (len(valid_label), len(valid_pred), true_positive_char_num))
[文档] def compute_metric(self, results: Sequence[Tuple[int, int, int]]) -> Dict: """Compute the metrics from processed results. Args: results (list[tuple]): The processed results of each batch. Returns: Dict: The computed metrics. The keys are the names of the metrics, and the values are corresponding results. """ gt_sum, pred_sum, true_positive_sum = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 for gt, pred, true_positive in results: gt_sum += gt pred_sum += pred true_positive_sum += true_positive char_recall = true_positive_sum / max(gt_sum, 1.0) char_precision = true_positive_sum / max(pred_sum, 1.0) metric_results = {} metric_results['recall'] = char_recall metric_results['precision'] = char_precision return metric_results
def _cal_true_positive_char(self, pred: str, gt: str) -> int: """Calculate correct character number in prediction. Args: pred (str): Prediction text. gt (str): Ground truth text. Returns: true_positive_char_num (int): The true positive number. """ all_opt = SequenceMatcher(None, pred, gt) true_positive_char_num = 0 for opt, _, _, s2, e2 in all_opt.get_opcodes(): if opt == 'equal': true_positive_char_num += (e2 - s2) else: pass return true_positive_char_num
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