
mmeval.metrics.oid_map 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import copy
import csv
import json
import numpy as np
import warnings
from multiprocessing.pool import Pool
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

from mmeval.metrics.utils import calculate_overlaps
from .voc_map import VOCMeanAP, filter_by_bboxes_area

def _convert_hierarchy_tree(hierarchy_map: dict,
                            label_index_map: dict,
                            relation_matrix: np.ndarray,
                            parents: list = [],
                            get_all_parents: bool = True) -> np.ndarray:
    """Get matrix of the corresponding relationship between the parent class
    and the child class.

        hierarchy_map (dict): Including label name and corresponding
            subcategory. Keys of dicts are:
            - `LabeName` (str): Name of the label.
            - `Subcategory` (dict | list): Corresponding subcategory(ies).
        label_index_map (dict): The mapping of label name to description names.
        relation_matrix (ndarray): The matrix of the corresponding
            relationship between the parent class and the child class,
            of shape (class_num, class_num).
        parents (list): Corresponding parent class. Defaults to [].
        get_all_parents (bool): Whether get all parent names.
            Defaults to True.

        numpy.ndarray: The matrix of the corresponding relationship between the
        parent class and the child class, of shape (class_num, class_num).
    if 'Subcategory' not in hierarchy_map:
        return relation_matrix

    for node in hierarchy_map['Subcategory']:
        if 'LabelName' not in node:

        children_name = node['LabelName']
        children_index = label_index_map[children_name]
        children = [children_index]

        if len(parents) > 0:
            for parent_index in parents:
                if get_all_parents:
                relation_matrix[children_index, parent_index] = 1
        relation_matrix = _convert_hierarchy_tree(
            node, label_index_map, relation_matrix, parents=children)
    return relation_matrix

def get_relation_matrix(hierarchy_file: str, label_file: str) -> np.ndarray:
    """Get the matrix of class hierarchy from the hierarchy file.

    Hierarchy for 600 classes can be found at


        hierarchy_file (str): File path to the hierarchy for classes.
        label_file (str): File path to the mapping of label name to class
            description names. E.g.

        np.ndarray: The matrix of the corresponding relationship between
        the parent class and the child class, of shape (class_num, class_num).
    index_list = []
    classes_names = []
    with open(label_file) as f:
        reader = csv.reader(f)
        for line in reader:
    label_index_map = {index: i for i, index in enumerate(index_list)}

    with open(hierarchy_file) as f:
        hierarchy_map = json.load(f)

    class_num = len(label_index_map)
    relation_matrix = np.eye(class_num, class_num)
    relation_matrix = _convert_hierarchy_tree(hierarchy_map, label_index_map,
    return relation_matrix

[文档]class OIDMeanAP(VOCMeanAP): """Open Images Dataset detection evaluation metric. The Open Images Dataset detection evaluation uses a variant of the standard PASCAL VOC 2010 mean Average Precision (mAP) at IoU > 0.5. There are some key features of Open Images annotations, which are addressed by the new metric. For more see: Args: iof_thrs (float | List[float]): IoF thresholds. Defaults to 0.5. use_group_of (bool): Whether consider group of groud truth bboxes during evaluating. Defaults to True. get_supercategory (bool, optional): Whether to get parent class of the current class. Defaults to True. filter_labels (bool, optional): Whether filter unannotated classes. Defaults to True. class_relation_matrix (numpy.ndarray, optional): The matrix of the corresponding relationship between the parent class and the child class. If None, it will be obtained from the 'relation_matrix' field in ``self.dataset_meta``. Defaults to None. **kwargs: Keyword parameters passed to :class:`VOCMeanAP`. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from mmeval import OIDMeanAP >>> num_classes = 4 >>> # use a fake relation_matrix >>> relation_matrix = np.eye(num_classes, num_classes) >>> oid_map = OIDMeanAP( ... num_classes=4, class_relation_matrix=relation_matrix) >>> >>> def _gen_bboxes(num_bboxes, img_w=256, img_h=256): ... # random generate bounding boxes in 'xyxy' formart. ... x = np.random.rand(num_bboxes, ) * img_w ... y = np.random.rand(num_bboxes, ) * img_h ... w = np.random.rand(num_bboxes, ) * (img_w - x) ... h = np.random.rand(num_bboxes, ) * (img_h - y) ... return np.stack([x, y, x + w, y + h], axis=1) >>> >>> prediction = { ... 'bboxes': _gen_bboxes(10), ... 'scores': np.random.rand(10, ), ... 'labels': np.random.randint(0, num_classes, size=(10, )) ... } >>> instances = [] >>> for bbox in _gen_bboxes(20): ... instances.append({ ... 'bbox': bbox.tolist(), ... 'bbox_label': random.randint(0, num_classes - 1), ... 'is_group_of': random.randint(0, 1) == 0, ... }) >>> groundtruth = { ... 'instances': instances, ... 'image_level_labels': np.random.randint(0, num_classes, size=(10, )), # noqa: E501 ... } >>> oid_map(predictions=[prediction, ], groundtruths=[groundtruth, ]) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS # noqa: E501 {'AP@50': ..., 'mAP': ...} """ def __init__(self, iof_thrs: Union[float, List[float]] = 0.5, use_group_of: bool = True, get_supercategory: bool = True, filter_labels: bool = True, class_relation_matrix: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) if isinstance(iof_thrs, float): iof_thrs = [iof_thrs] self.iof_thrs = iof_thrs self.num_iof = len(iof_thrs) assert self.num_iof == self.num_iou, "The IoU and IoF thresholds' \ ' should be one-to-one correspondence" self.use_group_of = use_group_of self.get_supercategory = get_supercategory self.filter_labels = filter_labels self._class_relation_matrix = class_relation_matrix @property def class_relation_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the class relation matrix. The class relation matrix should be set during initialization, otherwise it will be obtained from the 'relation_matrix' field in ``self.dataset_meta``. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The class relation matrix. Raises: RuntimeError: If the class relation matrix is not set. """ if self._class_relation_matrix is not None: return self._class_relation_matrix if self.dataset_meta and 'relation_matrix' in self.dataset_meta: self._class_relation_matrix = self.dataset_meta['relation_matrix'] elif self.dataset_meta and 'RELATION_MATRIX' in self.dataset_meta: self._class_relation_matrix = self.dataset_meta['RELATION_MATRIX'] warnings.warn( 'The `RELATION_MATRIX` in `dataset_meta` is deprecated, ' 'use `relation_matrix` instead!', DeprecationWarning) else: raise RuntimeError( 'The `class_relation_matrix` is required, and also not found' f" 'relation_matrix' in dataset_meta: {self.dataset_meta}") return self._class_relation_matrix def _extend_supercategory_ann(self, instances: List[dict]) -> List[dict]: """Extend parent classes's annotation of the corresponding class. Args: instances (List[dict]): A list of annotations of the instances. Returns: List[dict]: Annotations extended with super-category. """ supercat_instances = [] relation_matrix = self.class_relation_matrix for instance in instances: # Find the super-category by class relation matrix. supercats = np.where(relation_matrix[instance['bbox_label']])[0] for supercat in supercats: if supercat == instance['bbox_label']: continue # Copy this instance and change the 'bbox_label' new_instance = copy.deepcopy(instance) new_instance['bbox_label'] = supercat supercat_instances.append(new_instance) return supercat_instances def _process_prediction(self, pred: dict, allowed_labels: np.ndarray) -> dict: """Process results of the corresponding label of the predicted bboxes. It will choose to do the following 2 processing according to ``self.get_supercategory`` and ``self.filter_labels``: 1. Extend the the parent label of the corresponding prediction box. 2. Filter unannotated classes of the corresponding prediction box. Args: pred (dict): The predicted detection result for an image, with the following keys: - bboxes (numpy.ndarray): Shape (N, 4), the predicted bounding bboxes of this image, in 'xyxy' foramrt. - scores (numpy.ndarray): Shape (N, 1), the predicted scores of bounding boxes. - labels (numpy.ndarray): Shape (N, 1), the predicted labels of bounding boxes. Returns: pred (dict): The processed predicted detection result. """ origin_pred = copy.deepcopy(pred) relation_matrix = self.class_relation_matrix for pred_label in np.unique(pred['labels']): supercat_labels = np.where(relation_matrix[pred_label])[0] for supercat in supercat_labels: if (supercat in allowed_labels and supercat != pred_label and self.get_supercategory): # add super-supercategory preds indices = np.where(origin_pred['labels'] == pred_label)[0] pred['scores'] = np.concatenate( [pred['scores'], origin_pred['scores'][indices]]) pred['bboxes'] = np.concatenate( [pred['bboxes'], origin_pred['bboxes'][indices]]) extend_labels = np.full( indices.shape, supercat, dtype=np.int64) # noqa: E501 pred['labels'] = np.concatenate( [pred['labels'], extend_labels]) # noqa: E501 elif supercat not in allowed_labels and self.filter_labels: indices = np.where(pred['labels'] != supercat)[0] pred['scores'] = pred['scores'][indices] pred['bboxes'] = pred['bboxes'][indices] pred['labels'] = pred['labels'][indices] return pred def _stack_gt_instances(self, instances: List[dict]) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """Stack the gt instances from a list of dict to a dict. Args: instances (List[dict]): List[dict], each dict representing a bounding box with the following keys: - bbox (list): Containing box location in 'xyxy' foramrt. - bbox_label (int): Box label index. - is_group_of (bool): Whether the box is group or not. Returns: dict: The stacked gt instances, with the following keys: - bboxes (numpy.ndarray): Shape (N, 4). - labels (numpy.ndarray): Shape (N, ). - is_group_ofs (numpy.ndarray): Shape (N, ). """ gt_labels, gt_bboxes, is_group_ofs = [], [], [] for ins in instances: gt_labels.append(ins['bbox_label']) gt_bboxes.append(ins['bbox']) is_group_ofs.append(ins['is_group_of']) annotation = { 'bboxes': np.array(gt_bboxes, dtype=np.float32).reshape((-1, 4)), 'labels': np.array(gt_labels, dtype=np.int64), 'is_group_ofs': np.array(is_group_ofs, dtype=bool), } return annotation
[文档] def add(self, predictions: Sequence[dict], groundtruths: Sequence[dict]) -> None: # type: ignore # yapf: disable # noqa: E501 """Add the intermediate results to ``self._results``. Args: predictions (Sequence[dict]): A sequence of dict. Each dict representing a detection result for an image, with the following keys: - bboxes (numpy.ndarray): Shape (N, 4), the predicted bounding bboxes of this image, in 'xyxy' foramrt. - scores (numpy.ndarray): Shape (N, 1), the predicted scores of bounding boxes. - labels (numpy.ndarray): Shape (N, 1), the predicted labels of bounding boxes. groundtruths (Sequence[dict]): A sequence of dict. Each dict representing a groundtruths for an image, with the following keys: - instances (List[dict]): Each dict representing a bounding box with the following keys: - bbox (list): Containing box location in 'xyxy' foramrt. - bbox_label (int): Box label index. - is_group_of (bool): Whether the box is group or not. - image_level_labels (numpy.ndarray): The image level labels. """ for pred, groundtruth in zip(predictions, groundtruths): assert isinstance(pred, dict), 'The prediciton should be ' \ f'a sequence of dict, but got a sequence of {type(pred)}.' assert isinstance(groundtruth, dict), 'The groundtruth should ' \ f'be a sequence of dict, but got a sequence of {type(groundtruth)}.' # noqa: E501 instances = copy.deepcopy(groundtruth['instances']) pred = copy.deepcopy(pred) if self.get_supercategory: supercat_instances = self._extend_supercategory_ann(instances) instances.extend(supercat_instances) gt_ann = self._stack_gt_instances(instances) if 'image_level_labels' not in groundtruth: allowed_labels = np.unique(gt_ann['labels']) else: allowed_labels = np.unique( np.append(gt_ann['labels'], groundtruth['image_level_labels'])) pred = self._process_prediction(pred, allowed_labels) self._results.append((pred, gt_ann))
@staticmethod def _calculate_image_tpfp( # type: ignore pred_bboxes: np.ndarray, gt_bboxes: np.ndarray, group_of_flags: np.ndarray, use_group_of: bool, iof_thrs: List[float], iou_thrs: List[float], area_ranges: List[Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]]], use_legacy_coordinate: bool) -> Tuple: """Calculate the true positive and false positive on an image. This is an overridden method of :class:`VOCMeanAP`. Args: pred_bboxes (numpy.ndarray): Predicted bboxes of this image, with shape (N, 5). The scores The predicted score of the bbox is concatenated behind the predicted bbox. gt_bboxes (numpy.ndarray): Ground truth bboxes of this image, with shape (M, 4). group_of_flags (numpy.ndarray): Flags identifies whether the gt box is group of or not, with shape (M, ). use_group_of (bool): Whether consider group of groud truth bboxes during evaluating. iof_thrs (List[float]): The IoF thresholds. iou_thrs (List[float]): The IoU thresholds. area_ranges (List[Tuple]): The area ranges. use_legacy_coordinate (bool): Refer to :class:`VOCMeanAP`. Returns: tuple (tp, fp, pred_bboxes): The tp, fp and modified pred bboxes. Since some predicted bboxes would be ignored, we should return the modified predicted bboxes. - tp (numpy.ndarray): Shape (num_ious, num_scales, N), the true positive flag of each predicted bbox on this image. - fp (numpy.ndarray): Shape (num_ious, num_scales, N), the false positive flag of each predicted bbox on this image. - pred_bboxes (numpy.ndarray): Shape (K, 5), the modified pred bboxes. Note: This method should be a staticmethod to avoid resource competition during multiple process. """ ignore_gt_bboxes = np.empty((0, 4)) if not use_group_of: tp, fp = VOCMeanAP._calculate_image_tpfp(pred_bboxes, gt_bboxes, ignore_gt_bboxes, iou_thrs, area_ranges, use_legacy_coordinate) return tp, fp, pred_bboxes non_group_gt_bboxes = gt_bboxes[~group_of_flags] group_gt_bboxes = gt_bboxes[group_of_flags] tp, fp = VOCMeanAP._calculate_image_tpfp(pred_bboxes, non_group_gt_bboxes, ignore_gt_bboxes, iou_thrs, area_ranges, use_legacy_coordinate) if group_gt_bboxes.shape[0] == 0: return tp, fp, pred_bboxes iofs = calculate_overlaps( pred_bboxes[:, :4], group_gt_bboxes, mode='iof', use_legacy_coordinate=use_legacy_coordinate) num_iou = len(iou_thrs) num_scale = len(area_ranges) pred_bboxes_group = np.zeros( (num_iou, num_scale, iofs.shape[1], pred_bboxes.shape[1]), dtype=float) match_group_of = np.zeros((num_iou, num_scale, pred_bboxes.shape[0]), dtype=bool) tp_group = np.zeros((num_iou, num_scale, group_gt_bboxes.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32) iofs_max = iofs.max(axis=1) # for each det, which gt overlaps most with it iofs_argmax = iofs.argmax(axis=1) # sort all dets in descending order by scores sorted_indices = np.argsort(-pred_bboxes[:, -1]) for iof_idx, iof_thr in enumerate(iof_thrs): for area_idx, (min_area, max_area) in enumerate(area_ranges): box_is_covered = tp[iof_idx, area_idx] # if no area range is specified, gt_area_ignore is all False gt_area_mask = filter_by_bboxes_area(gt_bboxes, min_area, max_area) ignore_gt_area_flags = ~gt_area_mask for pred_bbox_idx in sorted_indices: if box_is_covered[pred_bbox_idx]: continue if iofs_max[pred_bbox_idx] < iof_thr: continue matched_gt_idx = iofs_argmax[pred_bbox_idx] if ignore_gt_area_flags[matched_gt_idx]: continue if not tp_group[iof_idx, area_idx, matched_gt_idx]: tp_group[iof_idx, area_idx, matched_gt_idx] = 1 match_group_of[iof_idx, area_idx, pred_bbox_idx] = True else: match_group_of[iof_idx, area_idx, pred_bbox_idx] = True if pred_bboxes_group[iof_idx, area_idx, matched_gt_idx, -1] < pred_bboxes[pred_bbox_idx, -1]: # noqa: E501 # yapf: disable pred_bboxes_group[iof_idx, area_idx, matched_gt_idx] = pred_bboxes[pred_bbox_idx] # noqa: E501 # yapf: disable fp_group = (tp_group <= 0).astype(float) tps_list = [] fps_list = [] # concatenate tp, fp, and det-boxes which not matched group of # gt boxes and tp_group, fp_group, and pred_bboxes_group which # matched group of boxes respectively. for i in range(num_iou): tps, fps = [], [] for j in range(num_scale): tps.append( np.concatenate( (tp[i, j][~match_group_of[i, j]], tp_group[i, j]))) fps.append( np.concatenate( (fp[i, j][~match_group_of[i, j]], fp_group[i, j]))) pred_bboxes = np.concatenate( (pred_bboxes[~match_group_of[i, j]], pred_bboxes_group[i, j])) # noqa: E501 tps_list.append(np.vstack(tps)) fps_list.append(np.vstack(fps)) tp = np.vstack(tps_list).reshape((num_iou, num_scale, -1)) fp = np.vstack(fps_list).reshape((num_iou, num_scale, -1)) return tp, fp, pred_bboxes
[文档] def get_class_gts(self, groundtruths: List[dict], class_index: int) -> Tuple: """Get prediciton gt information of a certain class index. This is an overridden method of :class:`VOCMeanAP`. Args: groundtruths (list[dict]): Same as ``self.add``. class_index (int): Index of a specific class. Returns: List[np.ndarray]: gt bboxes. """ class_gts = [] class_group_of_flags = [] for gt in groundtruths: gt_indices = (gt['labels'] == class_index) gt_bboxes = gt['bboxes'][gt_indices, :] group_of_flags = gt['is_group_ofs'][gt_indices] class_gts.append(gt_bboxes) class_group_of_flags.append(group_of_flags) return class_gts, class_group_of_flags
[文档] def calculate_class_tpfp(self, predictions: List[dict], groundtruths: List[dict], class_index: int, pool: Optional[Pool]) -> Tuple: """Calculate the tp and fp of the given class index. This is an overridden method of :class:`VOCMeanAP`. Args: predictions (List[dict]): A list of dict. Each dict is the detection result of an image. Same as :class:`VOCMeanAP.add`. groundtruths (List[dict]): A list of dict. Each dict is the ground truth of an image. Same as :class:`VOCMeanAP.add`. class_index (int): The class index. pool (Pool, optional): An instance of class:`multiprocessing.Pool`. If None, do not use multiprocessing. Returns: tuple (tp, fp, num_gts): - tp (numpy.ndarray): Shape (num_ious, num_scales, num_pred), the true positive flag of each predict bbox. - fp (numpy.ndarray): Shape (num_ious, num_scales, num_pred), the false positive flag of each predict bbox. - num_gts (numpy.ndarray): Shape (num_ious, num_scales), the number of ground truths. """ class_preds = self.get_class_predictions(predictions, class_index) class_gts, class_group_of_flags = self.get_class_gts( groundtruths, class_index) if pool is not None: num_images = len(class_preds) tpfp_list = pool.starmap( self._calculate_image_tpfp, zip(class_preds, class_gts, class_group_of_flags, [self.use_group_of] * num_images, [self.iof_thrs] * num_images, [self.iou_thrs] * num_images, [self._area_ranges] * num_images, [self.use_legacy_coordinate] * num_images)) else: tpfp_list = [] for img_idx in range(len(class_preds)): tp, fp, img_pred = self._calculate_image_tpfp( class_preds[img_idx], class_gts[img_idx], class_group_of_flags[img_idx], self.use_group_of, self.iof_thrs, self.iou_thrs, self._area_ranges, self.use_legacy_coordinate) tpfp_list.append((tp, fp, img_pred)) image_tp_list, image_fp_list, class_preds = tuple(zip(*tpfp_list)) sorted_indices = np.argsort(-np.vstack(class_preds)[:, -1]) tp = np.concatenate(image_tp_list, axis=2)[..., sorted_indices] fp = np.concatenate(image_fp_list, axis=2)[..., sorted_indices] num_gts = np.zeros((self.num_iou, self.num_scale), dtype=int) for idx, (min_area, max_area) in enumerate(self._area_ranges): area_mask = filter_by_bboxes_area( np.vstack(class_gts), min_area, max_area) num_gts[:, idx] = np.sum(area_mask) return tp, fp, num_gts
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