
mmeval.metrics.proposal_recall 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
from multiprocessing.pool import Pool
from rich.console import Console
from rich.table import Table
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

from mmeval.core.base_metric import BaseMetric
from mmeval.metrics.utils import calculate_overlaps
from mmeval.utils import is_list_of

[文档]class ProposalRecall(BaseMetric): """Proposals recall evaluation metric. The speed of calculating recall is faster than COCO Detection metric. Args: iou_thrs (float | List[float], optional): IoU thresholds. If not specified, IoUs from 0.5 to 0.95 will be used. Defaults to None. proposal_nums (Sequence[int]): Numbers of proposals to be evaluated. Defaults to (1, 10, 100, 1000). use_legacy_coordinate (bool): Whether to use coordinate system in mmdet v1.x. which means width, height should be calculated as 'x2 - x1 + 1` and 'y2 - y1 + 1' respectively. Defaults to False. nproc (int): Processes used for computing TP and FP. If nproc is less than or equal to 1, multiprocessing will not be used. Defaults to 4. print_results (bool): Whether to print the results. Defaults to True. **kwargs: Keyword parameters passed to :class:`BaseMetric`. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from mmeval import ProposalRecall >>> >>> proposal_recall = ProposalRecall() >>> def _gen_bboxes(num_bboxes, img_w=256, img_h=256): ... # random generate bounding boxes in 'xyxy' formart. ... x = np.random.rand(num_bboxes, ) * img_w ... y = np.random.rand(num_bboxes, ) * img_h ... w = np.random.rand(num_bboxes, ) * (img_w - x) ... h = np.random.rand(num_bboxes, ) * (img_h - y) ... return np.stack([x, y, x + w, y + h], axis=1) >>> >>> prediction = { ... 'bboxes': _gen_bboxes(10), ... 'scores': np.random.rand(10, ), ... } >>> groundtruth = { ... 'bboxes': _gen_bboxes(10), ... } >>> proposal_recall(predictions=[prediction, ], groundtruths=[groundtruth, ]) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS # noqa: E501 {'AR@1': ..., 'AR@10': ..., 'AR@100': ..., 'AR@1000': ...} """ def __init__(self, iou_thrs: Union[float, Sequence[float], None] = None, proposal_nums: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = (1, 10, 100, 1000), use_legacy_coordinate: bool = False, nproc: int = 4, print_results: bool = True, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) if iou_thrs is None: iou_thrs = np.linspace( .5, 0.95, int(np.round((0.95 - .5) / .05)) + 1, endpoint=True) elif isinstance(iou_thrs, float): iou_thrs = np.array([iou_thrs]) elif is_list_of(iou_thrs, float): iou_thrs = np.array(iou_thrs) else: raise TypeError( '`iou_thrs` should be None, float, or a list of float, ' f'but got {iou_thrs}') self.iou_thrs = iou_thrs if isinstance(proposal_nums, (list, tuple)): proposal_nums = np.array(proposal_nums) elif isinstance(proposal_nums, int): proposal_nums = np.array([proposal_nums]) else: raise TypeError('proposal_nums should be int or Sequence[int],' f'but got {type(proposal_nums)}') self.proposal_nums = proposal_nums self.nproc = nproc self.use_legacy_coordinate = use_legacy_coordinate self.print_results = print_results
[文档] def add(self, predictions: Sequence[Dict], groundtruths: Sequence[Dict]) -> None: # type: ignore # yapf: disable # noqa: E501 """Add the intermediate results to ``self._results``. Args: predictions (Sequence[dict]): A sequence of dict. Each dict representing a detection result for an image, with the following keys: - bboxes (numpy.ndarray): Shape (N, 4), the predicted bounding bboxes of this image, in 'xyxy' foramrt. - scores (numpy.ndarray): Shape (N, 1), the predicted scores of bounding boxes. groundtruths (Sequence[dict]): A sequence of dict. Each dict represents a groundtruths for an image, with the following keys: - bboxes (numpy.ndarray): Shape (M, 4), the ground truth bounding bboxes of this image, in 'xyxy' foramrt. """ for prediction, label in zip(predictions, groundtruths): assert isinstance(prediction, dict), 'The prediciton should be ' \ f'a sequence of dict, but got a sequence of {type(prediction)}.' # noqa: E501 assert isinstance(label, dict), 'The label should be ' \ f'a sequence of dict, but got a sequence of {type(label)}.' self._results.append((prediction, label))
[文档] def process_proposals(self, predictions: List[dict], groundtruths: List[dict]) -> Tuple[List, List, int]: """Process the proposals(bboxes) in predictions and groundtruths. Args: predictions (List[dict]): A list of dict. Each dict is the detection result of an image. Same as :class:`ProposalRecall.add`. groundtruths (list[dict]): Same as :class:`ProposalRecall.add`. Returns: tuple (proposal_preds, proposal_gts, num_gts): - proposal_preds (List[numpy.ndarray]): The sorted proposals of the prediction. - proposal_gts (List[numpy.ndarray]): The proposals of the groundtruths. - num_gts (int): The total groundtruth numbers. """ proposal_preds = [] proposal_gts = [] num_gts = 0 for prediction, groundtruth in zip(predictions, groundtruths): # process prediction proposal_pred = prediction['bboxes'] scores = prediction.get('scores', None) if scores is not None: sort_idx = np.argsort(scores)[::-1] proposal_pred = proposal_pred[sort_idx, :] prop_num = min(proposal_pred.shape[0], self.proposal_nums[-1]) # type:ignore proposal_pred = proposal_pred[:prop_num, :] # process groundtruth proposal_gt = groundtruth.get('bboxes') if proposal_gt is None: proposal_gt = np.zeros((0, 4), dtype=np.float32) proposal_preds.append(proposal_pred) proposal_gts.append(proposal_gt) num_gts += proposal_gt.shape[0] return proposal_preds, proposal_gts, num_gts
[文档] def calculate_recall(self, predictions: List[dict], groundtruths: List[dict], pool: Optional[Pool]): """Calculate recall. Args: predictions (List[dict]): A list of dict. Each dict is the detection result of an image. Same as :class:`ProposalRecall.add`. groundtruths (List[dict]): A list of dict. Each dict is the ground truth of an image. Same as :class:`ProposalRecall.add`. pool (Optional[Pool]): A instance of :class:`multiprocessing.Pool`. If None, do not use multiprocessing. Returns: numpy.ndarry: Shape (len(proposal_nums), len(iou_thrs)), the recall results. """ proposal_preds, proposal_gts, num_gts = self.process_proposals( predictions=predictions, groundtruths=groundtruths) if pool is not None: num_images = len(proposal_preds) ious = pool.starmap( self._calculate_ious, zip(proposal_preds, proposal_gts, [self.proposal_nums] * num_images, [self.use_legacy_coordinate] * num_images)) else: ious = [] for img_idx in range(len(proposal_preds)): _iou = self._calculate_ious(proposal_preds[img_idx], proposal_gts[img_idx], self.proposal_nums, self.use_legacy_coordinate) ious.append(_iou) ious = np.concatenate(ious, axis=1) ious = np.fliplr(np.sort(ious, axis=1)) recalls = np.zeros(( len(self.proposal_nums), # type:ignore len(self.iou_thrs))) # type:ignore for i, thr in enumerate(self.iou_thrs): # type:ignore recalls[:, i] = (ious >= thr).sum(axis=1) / float(num_gts) return recalls
@staticmethod def _calculate_ious(pred_proposals: np.ndarray, gt_proposals: np.ndarray, proposal_nums: np.ndarray, use_legacy_coordinate: bool): """Calculate the IoUs under different proposal numbers on an image. Args: pred_proposals (numpy.ndarray): Predicted proposals of this image, with shape (M, 4). gt_proposals (numpy.ndarray): Ground truth proposals of this image, with shape (M, 4). proposal_nums (numpy.ndarry): Numbers of proposals to be evaluated. use_legacy_coordinate (bool): Refer to :class:`ProposalRecall`. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Shape (len(proposal_nums), N), IoUs under different proposal numbers on an image. Note: This method should be a staticmethod to avoid resource competition during multiple processes. """ # Step 1. calculate all proposal ious if gt_proposals is None or gt_proposals.shape[0] == 0: ious = np.zeros((0, pred_proposals.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32) else: ious = calculate_overlaps( gt_proposals, pred_proposals, use_legacy_coordinate=use_legacy_coordinate) # Step 2. initialize the ious array and calculate based on proposal_num _ious = np.zeros((proposal_nums.size, gt_proposals.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32) # type:ignore for i, proposal_num in enumerate(proposal_nums): pred_ious = ious[:, :proposal_num].copy() gt_ious = np.zeros(ious.shape[0]) if pred_ious.size == 0: _ious[i, :] = gt_ious continue for j in range(pred_ious.shape[0]): gt_max_overlaps = pred_ious.argmax(axis=1) max_ious = pred_ious[np.arange(0, pred_ious.shape[0]), gt_max_overlaps] gt_idx = max_ious.argmax() gt_ious[j] = max_ious[gt_idx] box_idx = gt_max_overlaps[gt_idx] pred_ious[gt_idx, :] = -1 pred_ious[:, box_idx] = -1 _ious[i, :] = gt_ious return _ious
[文档] def compute_metric(self, results: list) -> dict: """Compute the ProposalRecall metric. Args: results (List[tuple]): A list of tuple. Each tuple is the prediction and ground truth of an image. This list has already been synced across all ranks. Returns: dict: The computed metric. The keys are the names of the proposal numbers, and the values are corresponding results. """ predictions, groundtruths = zip(*results) nproc = min(self.nproc, len(predictions)) if nproc > 1: pool = Pool(nproc) else: pool = None # type: ignore recalls = self.calculate_recall(predictions, groundtruths, pool) ar = recalls.mean(axis=1) if pool is not None: pool.close() eval_results: OrderedDict = OrderedDict() table_results: OrderedDict = OrderedDict() results_list = [] for i, num in enumerate(self.proposal_nums): # type:ignore eval_results[f'AR@{num}'] = ar[i] results_list.append(np.concatenate([recalls[i], ar[None, i]])) table_results['proposal_result'] = results_list if self.print_results: self._print_results(table_results) return eval_results
def _print_results(self, table_results: dict) -> None: """Print the evaluation results table. Args: table_results (dict): The computed metric. """ tabel_title = ' Recall Results (%)' result = table_results['proposal_result'] headers = [''] + [ f'AR_{round(iou_thr * 100, 0):.0f}' for iou_thr in self.iou_thrs # type: ignore ] + ['AR'] table = Table(title=tabel_title) console = Console(width=150) for name in headers: table.add_column(name, justify='left') for i in range(len(self.proposal_nums)): # type: ignore row = [f'{self.proposal_nums[i]}'] # type: ignore row += [ f'{round(100 * val, 2):0.2f}' for val in result[i].tolist() ] table.add_row(*row) with console.capture() as capture: console.print(table, end='')'\n' + capture.get())
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