
Source code for mmeval.core.dist_backends.base_backend

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod, abstractproperty
from typing import Any, List, Tuple, TypeVar, Union

Tensor = TypeVar('Tensor')

[docs]class BaseDistBackend(metaclass=ABCMeta): """The base backend of distributed communication used by mmeval Metric.""" @abstractproperty def is_initialized(self) -> bool: """Returns True if the distributed environment has been initialized. Returns: bool: Returns True if the distributed environment has been initialized, otherwise returns False. """ @abstractproperty def rank(self) -> int: """Returns the rank index of the current process group. Returns: int: The rank index of the current process group. """ @abstractproperty def world_size(self) -> int: """Returns the world size of the current process group. The `world size` is the size of the communication process group. Returns: int: The size of the current process group. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def all_gather_object(self, obj: Any) -> List[Any]: """All gather the given object from the current process group and returns a list consisting gathered object of each process.. Args: obj (any): Any pickle-able python object for all gather. Returns: list: A list of the all gathered object. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def broadcast_object(self, obj: Any, src: int) -> Any: """Broadcast the given object from source process to the current process group. Args: obj (any): Any pickle-able python object for broadcast. src (int): The source rank index. Returns: any: The broadcast object. """
[docs]class TensorBaseDistBackend(BaseDistBackend): """A base backend of Tensor base distributed communication like PyTorch.""" @abstractmethod def _object_to_tensor(self, obj: Any) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Convert the given object to a tensor via `pickle.dumps`. Args: obj (any): Any pickle-able python object. Returns: Tuple: A tuple of the tensor converted from the given object and the tensor size. """ @abstractmethod def _tensor_to_object(self, tensor: Tensor, tensor_size: Union[int, Tensor]) -> Any: """Convert the given Tensor to a object via `pickle.loads`. Args: tenosr (Tensor): A tensor-like data. tensor_size (int or Tensor): The tensor size of the given Tensor to be convert object. Returns: Any: The object converted from the given tensor. """ @abstractmethod def _pad_tensor(self, tensor: Tensor, max_size: Union[int, Tensor]) -> Tensor: # yapf: disable """Padding the given tensor to the given size with 0. Args: tensor (Tensor): A tensor-like data to be padded. max_size (int or Tensor): The max tensor size that for tensor padding. Returns: Tensor: The padded tensor. """ @abstractmethod def _all_gather(self, tensor: Tensor) -> List[Tensor]: """All gather the given tensor. Args: tensor (Tensor): The tensor for all gather. Returns: list: A list of the gathered tensor. """ @abstractmethod def _broadcast(self, tensor: Tensor, src: int) -> Tensor: """Broadcast the given object from the source rank. Args: tensor (Tensor): The tensor for broadcast. src (int): The source rank index. Returns: Tensor: The broadcast tensor. """
[docs] def all_gather_object(self, obj: Any) -> List[Any]: """All gather the given object from the current process group and returns a list consisting gathered object of each process.. There are 3 steps to all gather a python object using Tensor distributed communication: 1. Serialize picklable python object to tensor. 2. All gather the tensor size and padding the tensor with the same size. 3. All gather the padded tensor and deserialize tensor to picklable python object. Args: obj (any): Any pickle-able python object for all gather. Returns: list: A list of the all gathered object. """ obj_tensor, obj_size_tensor = self._object_to_tensor(obj) # type: ignore # noqa: E501 # yapf: disable obj_size_list = self._all_gather(obj_size_tensor) max_obj_size = max(obj_size_list) padded_obj_tensor = self._pad_tensor(obj_tensor, max_obj_size) padded_obj_tensor_list = self._all_gather(padded_obj_tensor) obj_list = [] for padded_obj_tensor, obj_size_tensor in zip(padded_obj_tensor_list, obj_size_list): obj = self._tensor_to_object(padded_obj_tensor, obj_size_tensor) obj_list.append(obj) return obj_list
[docs] def broadcast_object(self, obj: Any, src: int = 0) -> Any: """Broadcast the given object from source process to the current process group. There are 3 steps to broadcast a python object use Tensor distributed communication: 1. Serialize picklable python object to tensor. 2. Broadcast the tensor size and padding the tensor with the same size. 3. Broadcast the padded tensor and deserialize tensor to picklable python object. Args: obj (any): Any pickle-able python object for broadcast. src (int): The source rank index. Returns: any: The broadcast object. """ obj_tensor, obj_size_tensor = self._object_to_tensor(obj) # type: ignore # noqa: E501 # yapf: disable broadcast_obj_size_tensor = self._broadcast(obj_size_tensor, src) if self.rank != src: obj_tensor = self._pad_tensor(obj_tensor, broadcast_obj_size_tensor) broadcast_obj_tensor = self._broadcast(obj_tensor, src) broadcast_obj = self._tensor_to_object(broadcast_obj_tensor, obj_size_tensor) return broadcast_obj
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