
Source code for mmeval.fileio.backends.local_backend

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import os
import os.path as osp
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Generator, Iterator, Optional, Tuple, Union

from .base import BaseStorageBackend

[docs]class LocalBackend(BaseStorageBackend): """Raw local storage backend."""
[docs] def get(self, filepath: Union[str, Path]) -> bytes: """Read bytes from a given ``filepath`` with 'rb' mode. Args: filepath (str or Path): Path to read data. Returns: bytes: Expected bytes object. Examples: >>> backend = LocalBackend() >>> filepath = '/path/of/file' >>> backend.get(filepath) b'hello world' """ with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: value = return value
[docs] def get_text(self, filepath: Union[str, Path], encoding: str = 'utf-8') -> str: """Read text from a given ``filepath`` with 'r' mode. Args: filepath (str or Path): Path to read data. encoding (str): The encoding format used to open the ``filepath``. Defaults to 'utf-8'. Returns: str: Expected text reading from ``filepath``. Examples: >>> backend = LocalBackend() >>> filepath = '/path/of/file' >>> backend.get_text(filepath) 'hello world' """ with open(filepath, encoding=encoding) as f: text = return text
[docs] def exists(self, filepath: Union[str, Path]) -> bool: """Check whether a file path exists. Args: filepath (str or Path): Path to be checked whether exists. Returns: bool: Return ``True`` if ``filepath`` exists, ``False`` otherwise. Examples: >>> backend = LocalBackend() >>> filepath = '/path/of/file' >>> backend.exists(filepath) True """ return osp.exists(filepath)
[docs] def isdir(self, filepath: Union[str, Path]) -> bool: """Check whether a file path is a directory. Args: filepath (str or Path): Path to be checked whether it is a directory. Returns: bool: Return ``True`` if ``filepath`` points to a directory, ``False`` otherwise. Examples: >>> backend = LocalBackend() >>> filepath = '/path/of/dir' >>> backend.isdir(filepath) True """ return osp.isdir(filepath)
[docs] def isfile(self, filepath: Union[str, Path]) -> bool: """Check whether a file path is a file. Args: filepath (str or Path): Path to be checked whether it is a file. Returns: bool: Return ``True`` if ``filepath`` points to a file, ``False`` otherwise. Examples: >>> backend = LocalBackend() >>> filepath = '/path/of/file' >>> backend.isfile(filepath) True """ return osp.isfile(filepath)
[docs] def join_path(self, filepath: Union[str, Path], *filepaths: Union[str, Path]) -> str: """Concatenate all file paths. Join one or more filepath components intelligently. The return value is the concatenation of filepath and any members of *filepaths. Args: filepath (str or Path): Path to be concatenated. Returns: str: The result of concatenation. Examples: >>> backend = LocalBackend() >>> filepath1 = '/path/of/dir1' >>> filepath2 = 'dir2' >>> filepath3 = 'path/of/file' >>> backend.join_path(filepath1, filepath2, filepath3) '/path/of/dir/dir2/path/of/file' """ # TODO, if filepath or filepaths are Path, should return Path return osp.join(filepath, *filepaths)
[docs] @contextmanager def get_local_path( self, filepath: Union[str, Path], ) -> Generator[Union[str, Path], None, None]: """Only for unified API and do nothing. Args: filepath (str or Path): Path to be read data. backend_args (dict, optional): Arguments to instantiate the corresponding backend. Defaults to None. Examples: >>> backend = LocalBackend() >>> with backend.get_local_path('s3://bucket/abc.jpg') as path: ... # do something here """ yield filepath
[docs] def list_dir_or_file(self, dir_path: Union[str, Path], list_dir: bool = True, list_file: bool = True, suffix: Optional[Union[str, Tuple[str]]] = None, recursive: bool = False) -> Iterator[str]: """Scan a directory to find the interested directories or files in arbitrary order. Note: :meth:`list_dir_or_file` returns the path relative to ``dir_path``. Args: dir_path (str or Path): Path of the directory. list_dir (bool): List the directories. Defaults to True. list_file (bool): List the path of files. Defaults to True. suffix (str or tuple[str], optional): File suffix that we are interested in. Defaults to None. recursive (bool): If set to True, recursively scan the directory. Defaults to False. Yields: Iterable[str]: A relative path to ``dir_path``. Examples: >>> backend = LocalBackend() >>> dir_path = '/path/of/dir' >>> # list those files and directories in current directory >>> for file_path in backend.list_dir_or_file(dir_path): ... print(file_path) >>> # only list files >>> for file_path in backend.list_dir_or_file(dir_path, list_dir=False): ... print(file_path) >>> # only list directories >>> for file_path in backend.list_dir_or_file(dir_path, list_file=False): ... print(file_path) >>> # only list files ending with specified suffixes >>> for file_path in backend.list_dir_or_file(dir_path, suffix='.txt'): ... print(file_path) >>> # list all files and directory recursively >>> for file_path in backend.list_dir_or_file(dir_path, recursive=True): ... print(file_path) """ # noqa: E501 if list_dir and suffix is not None: raise TypeError('`suffix` should be None when `list_dir` is True') if (suffix is not None) and not isinstance(suffix, (str, tuple)): raise TypeError('`suffix` must be a string or tuple of strings') root = dir_path def _list_dir_or_file(dir_path, list_dir, list_file, suffix, recursive): for entry in os.scandir(dir_path): if not'.') and entry.is_file(): rel_path = osp.relpath(entry.path, root) if (suffix is None or rel_path.endswith(suffix)) and list_file: yield rel_path elif osp.isdir(entry.path): if list_dir: rel_dir = osp.relpath(entry.path, root) yield rel_dir if recursive: yield from _list_dir_or_file(entry.path, list_dir, list_file, suffix, recursive) return _list_dir_or_file(dir_path, list_dir, list_file, suffix, recursive)
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