
Source code for mmeval.metrics.accuracy

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.

import numpy as np
from typing import (TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Sequence,
                    Tuple, Union, overload)

from mmeval.core.base_metric import BaseMetric
from mmeval.core.dispatcher import dispatch
from mmeval.utils import try_import

    import jax
    import jax.numpy as jnp
    import oneflow
    import oneflow as flow
    import paddle
    import tensorflow
    import tensorflow as tf
    import torch
    paddle = try_import('paddle')
    torch = try_import('torch')
    tf = try_import('tensorflow')
    jnp = try_import('jax.numpy')
    jax = try_import('jax')
    flow = try_import('oneflow')

def _is_scalar(obj: np.number):  # type: ignore
    """Check if the ``numpy.number`` is a scalar number."""
    return True

def _is_scalar(obj: Union[np.ndarray,  # type: ignore
                          'torch.Tensor', 'oneflow.Tensor',
    """Check if a ``np.ndarray`` | ``torch.Tensor`` | ``oneflow.Tensor``

    |``tensorflow.Tensor`` is a scalar.
    return obj.ndim == 0

def _is_scalar(obj):
    """Check if an object is a scalar."""
        float(obj)  # type: ignore
        return True
    except Exception:
        return False

def _torch_topk(inputs: 'torch.Tensor',
                k: int,
                dim: Optional[int] = None) -> Tuple:
    """Invoke the PyTorch topk."""
    return inputs.topk(k, dim=dim)

def _oneflow_topk(inputs: 'oneflow.Tensor',
                  k: int,
                  dim: Optional[int] = None) -> Tuple:
    """Invoke the OneFlow topk."""
    return inputs.topk(k, dim=dim)

def _numpy_topk(inputs: np.ndarray,
                k: int,
                axis: Optional[int] = None) -> Tuple:
    """A implementation of numpy top-k.

    This implementation returns the values and indices of the k largest
    elements along a given axis.

        inputs (numpy.ndarray): The input numpy array.
        k (int): The k in `top-k`.
        axis (int, optional): The axis to sort along.

        tuple: The values and indices of the k largest elements.

        If PyTorch/OneFlow is available, the ``_torch_topk`` or
        ``_oneflow_topk`` would be used.
    if torch is not None:
        values, indices = _torch_topk(torch.from_numpy(inputs), k, dim=axis)
        return values.numpy(), indices.numpy()

    if flow is not None:
        values, indices = _oneflow_topk(flow.from_numpy(inputs), k, dim=axis)
        return values.numpy(), indices.numpy()

    indices = np.argsort(inputs * -1.0, axis=axis)
    indices = np.take(indices, np.arange(k), axis=axis)
    values = np.take_along_axis(inputs, indices, axis=axis)
    return values, indices

def _jnp_topk(inputs: 'jax.Array',
              k: int,
              axis: Optional[int] = None) -> Tuple:
    """A implementation of jax.Array top-k.

    This implementation returns the values and indices of the k largest
    elements along a given axis.

        inputs (jax.Array): The input jax Array.
        k (int): The k in `top-k`.
        axis (int, optional): The axis to sort along.

        tuple: The values and indices of the k largest elements.
    if axis is None:
        return jax.lax.top_k(inputs, k)

    indices = jnp.argsort(inputs * -1.0, axis=axis)
    indices = jnp.take(indices, jnp.arange(k), axis=axis)
    values = jnp.take_along_axis(inputs, indices, axis=axis)
    return values, indices

[docs]class Accuracy(BaseMetric): """Top-k accuracy evaluation metric. This metric computes the accuracy based on the given topk and thresholds. Currently, this metric supports 5 kinds of inputs, i.e. ``numpy.ndarray``, ``torch.Tensor``, ``oneflow.Tensor``, ``tensorflow.Tensor`` and ``paddle.Tensor``, and the implementation for the calculation depends on the inputs type. Args: topk (int | Sequence[int]): If the predictions in ``topk`` matches the target, the predictions will be regarded as correct ones. Defaults to 1. thrs (Sequence[float | None] | float | None): Predictions with scores under the thresholds are considered negative. None means no thresholds. Defaults to 0. **kwargs: Keyword parameters passed to :class:`BaseMetric`. Examples: >>> from mmeval import Accuracy >>> accuracy = Accuracy() Use NumPy implementation: >>> import numpy as np >>> labels = np.asarray([0, 1, 2, 3]) >>> preds = np.asarray([0, 2, 1, 3]) >>> accuracy(preds, labels) {'top1': 0.5} Use PyTorch implementation: >>> import torch >>> labels = torch.Tensor([0, 1, 2, 3]) >>> preds = torch.Tensor([0, 2, 1, 3]) >>> accuracy(preds, labels) {'top1': 0.5} Computing top-k accuracy with specified threold: >>> labels = np.asarray([0, 1, 2, 3]) >>> preds = np.asarray([ [0.7, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1], [0.1, 0.3, 0.4, 0.2], [0.3, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1], [0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.9]]) >>> accuracy = Accuracy(topk=(1, 2, 3)) >>> accuracy(preds, labels) {'top1': 0.5, 'top2': 0.75, 'top3': 1.0} >>> accuracy = Accuracy(topk=2, thrs=(0.1, 0.5)) >>> accuracy(preds, labels) {'top2_thr-0.10': 0.75, 'top2_thr-0.50': 0.5} Accumulate batch: >>> for i in range(10): ... labels = torch.randint(0, 4, size=(100, )) ... predicts = torch.randint(0, 4, size=(100, )) ... accuracy.add(predicts, labels) >>> accuracy.compute() # doctest: +SKIP """ def __init__(self, topk: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = (1, ), thrs: Union[float, Sequence[Union[float, None]], None] = 0., **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) if isinstance(topk, int): self.topk = (topk, ) else: self.topk = tuple(topk) # type: ignore self.maxk = max(self.topk) if isinstance(thrs, float) or thrs is None: self.thrs = (thrs, ) else: self.thrs = tuple(thrs) # type: ignore
[docs] def add(self, predictions: Sequence, labels: Sequence) -> None: # type: ignore # yapf: disable # noqa: E501 """Add the intermediate results to ``self._results``. Args: predictions (Sequence): Predictions from the model. It can be labels (N, ), or scores of every class (N, C). labels (Sequence): The ground truth labels. It should be (N, ). """ corrects = self._compute_corrects(predictions, labels) for correct in corrects: self._results.append(correct)
@overload # type: ignore @dispatch def _compute_corrects( self, predictions: Union['torch.Tensor', Sequence['torch.Tensor']], labels: Union['torch.Tensor', Sequence['torch.Tensor']]) -> 'torch.Tensor': """Compute the correct number of per topk and threshold with PyTorch. Args: prediction (torch.Tensor | Sequence): Predictions from the model. Same as ``self.add``. labels (torch.Tensor | Sequence): The ground truth labels. Same as ``self.add``. Returns: torch.Tensor: Correct number with the following 2 shapes. - (N, ): If the ``predictions`` is a label tensor instead of score. Only return a top-1 correct tensor, and ignore the argument ``topk`` and ``thrs``. - (N, num_topk, num_thr): If the ``prediction`` is a score tensor (number of dimensions is 2). Return the correct number on each ``topk`` and ``thrs``. """ if not isinstance(predictions, torch.Tensor): predictions = torch.stack(predictions) if not isinstance(labels, torch.Tensor): labels = torch.stack(labels) if predictions.ndim == 1: corrects = ( == labels) return corrects.float() pred_scores, pred_label = _torch_topk(predictions, self.maxk, dim=1) pred_label = pred_label.t() corrects = (pred_label == labels.view(1, -1).expand_as(pred_label)) # compute the corrects corresponding to all topk and thrs per sample corrects_per_sample = torch.zeros( (len(predictions), len(self.topk), len(self.thrs))) for i, k in enumerate(self.topk): for j, thr in enumerate(self.thrs): # Only prediction socres larger than thr are counted as correct if thr is not None: thr_corrects = corrects & (pred_scores.t() > thr) else: thr_corrects = corrects corrects_per_sample[:, i, j] = thr_corrects[:k].sum( 0, keepdim=True).float() return corrects_per_sample @overload # type: ignore @dispatch def _compute_corrects( # type: ignore self, predictions: Union['oneflow.Tensor', Sequence['oneflow.Tensor']], labels: Union['oneflow.Tensor', Sequence['oneflow.Tensor']]) -> 'oneflow.Tensor': """Compute the correct number of per topk and threshold with OneFlow. Args: prediction (oneflow.Tensor | Sequence): Predictions from the model. Same as ``self.add``. labels (oneflow.Tensor | Sequence): The ground truth labels. Same as ``self.add``. Returns: oneflow.Tensor: Correct number with the following 2 shapes. - (N, ): If the ``predictions`` is a label tensor instead of score. Only return a top-1 correct tensor, and ignore the argument ``topk`` and ``thrs``. - (N, num_topk, num_thr): If the ``prediction`` is a score tensor (number of dimensions is 2). Return the correct number on each ``topk`` and ``thrs``. """ if not isinstance(predictions, flow.Tensor): predictions = flow.stack(predictions) if not isinstance(labels, flow.Tensor): labels = flow.stack(labels) if predictions.ndim == 1: corrects = ( == labels) return corrects.float() pred_scores, pred_label = _oneflow_topk(predictions, self.maxk, dim=1) pred_label = pred_label.t() corrects = (pred_label == labels.view(1, -1).expand_as(pred_label)) # compute the corrects corresponding to all topk and thrs per sample corrects_per_sample = flow.zeros( (len(predictions), len(self.topk), len(self.thrs))) for i, k in enumerate(self.topk): for j, thr in enumerate(self.thrs): # Only prediction socres larger than thr are counted as correct if thr is not None: thr_corrects = corrects & (pred_scores.t() > thr) else: thr_corrects = corrects corrects_per_sample[:, i, j] = thr_corrects[:k].sum( 0, keepdim=False).float() return corrects_per_sample @overload # type: ignore @dispatch def _compute_corrects( # type: ignore self, predictions: Union['tensorflow.Tensor', Sequence['tensorflow.Tensor']], labels: Union['tensorflow.Tensor', Sequence['tensorflow.Tensor']]) -> 'tensorflow.Tensor': """Compute the correct number of per topk and threshold with TensorFlow. Args: prediction (tensorflow.Tensor | Sequence): Predictions from the model. Same as ``self.add``. labels (tensorflow.Tensor | Sequence): The ground truth labels. Same as ``self.add``. Returns: tensorflow.Tensor: Correct number with the following 2 shapes. - (N, ): If the ``predictions`` is a label tensor instead of score. Only return a top-1 correct tensor, and ignore the argument ``topk`` and ``thrs``. - (N, num_topk, num_thr): If the ``prediction`` is a score tensor (number of dimensions is 2). Return the correct number on each ``topk`` and ``thrs``. """ if not isinstance(predictions, tf.Tensor): predictions = tf.stack(predictions) if not isinstance(labels, tf.Tensor): labels = tf.stack(labels) if predictions.ndim == 1: corrects = (tf.cast(predictions, labels.dtype) == labels) return tf.cast(corrects, tf.float64) pred_scores, pred_label = tf.math.top_k(predictions, self.maxk) pred_label = tf.transpose(pred_label) # broadcast `label` to the shape of `pred_label` labels = tf.broadcast_to(tf.reshape(labels, (1, -1)), pred_label.shape) # compute correct tensor corrects = (tf.cast(pred_label, labels.dtype) == labels) # compute the corrects corresponding to all topk and thrs per sample # NOTE: We should use a `tf.Variable` so that we can assign value. corrects_per_sample = tf.Variable( tf.zeros((len(predictions), len(self.topk), len(self.thrs)), tf.int32)) for i, k in enumerate(self.topk): for j, thr in enumerate(self.thrs): # Only prediction socres larger than thr are counted as correct if thr is not None: thr_corrects = corrects & (tf.transpose(pred_scores) > thr) else: thr_corrects = corrects corrects_per_sample[:, i, j].assign( tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(thr_corrects[:k], tf.int32), axis=0)) return corrects_per_sample.value() @overload # type: ignore @dispatch def _compute_corrects( # type: ignore self, predictions: Union['paddle.Tensor', Sequence['paddle.Tensor']], labels: Union['paddle.Tensor', Sequence['paddle.Tensor']]) -> 'paddle.Tensor': """Compute the correct number of per topk and threshold with Paddle. Args: prediction (paddle.Tensor | Sequence): Predictions from the model. Same as ``self.add``. labels (paddle.Tensor | Sequence): The ground truth labels. Same as ``self.add``. Returns: paddle.Tensor: Correct number with the following 2 shapes. - (N, ): If the ``predictions`` is a label tensor instead of score. Only return a top-1 correct tensor, and ignore the argument ``topk`` and ``thrs``. - (N, num_topk, num_thr): If the ``prediction`` is a score tensor (number of dimensions is 2). Return the correct number on each ``topk`` and ``thrs``. """ if not isinstance(predictions, paddle.Tensor): predictions = paddle.stack(predictions) if not isinstance(labels, paddle.Tensor): labels = paddle.stack(labels) if predictions.ndim == 1: corrects = (predictions.cast(labels.dtype) == labels) return corrects.cast('float64') pred_scores, pred_label = paddle.topk(predictions, self.maxk) pred_label = pred_label.t() corrects = ( pred_label == labels.reshape((1, -1)).expand_as(pred_label)) # compute the corrects corresponding to all topk and thrs per sample # NOTE: The data type of `corrects_per_sample` should be 'float64', # otherwise will got wrong results when the shape of input is large. corrects_per_sample = paddle.zeros( (len(predictions), len(self.topk), len(self.thrs)), 'float64') for i, k in enumerate(self.topk): for j, thr in enumerate(self.thrs): # Only prediction socres larger than thr are counted as correct if thr is not None: thr_corrects = corrects & (pred_scores.t() > thr) else: thr_corrects = corrects # NOTE: The `keepdim` should be True, otherwise will got # negative number. corrects_per_sample[:, i, j] = thr_corrects[:k].sum( 0, keepdim=False).cast('float64') return corrects_per_sample @overload @dispatch def _compute_corrects( # type: ignore self, predictions: Union['jax.Array', Sequence['jax.Array']], labels: Union['jax.Array', Sequence['jax.Array']]) -> 'jax.Array': """Compute the correct number of per topk and threshold with JAX. Args: prediction (jax.Array | Sequence): Predictions from the model. Same as ``self.add``. labels (jax.Array | Sequence): The ground truth labels. Same as ``self.add``. Returns: jax.Array: Correct number with the following 2 shapes. - (N, ): If the ``predictions`` is a label array instead of score. Only return a top-1 correct array, and ignore the argument ``topk`` and ``thrs``. - (N, num_topk, num_thr): If the ``prediction`` is a score array (number of dimensions is 2). Return the correct number on each ``topk`` and ``thrs``. """ if not isinstance(predictions, jnp.ndarray): predictions = jnp.stack(predictions) if not isinstance(labels, jnp.ndarray): labels = jnp.stack(labels) if predictions.ndim == 1: corrects = (predictions == labels) return corrects.astype(jnp.int32) pred_scores, pred_label = _jnp_topk(predictions, self.maxk, axis=1) pred_label = pred_label.T # broadcast `label` to the shape of `pred_label` labels = jnp.broadcast_to(labels.reshape(1, -1), pred_label.shape) # compute correct array corrects = (pred_label == labels) # compute the corrects corresponding to all topk and thrs per sample corrects_per_sample = jnp.zeros( (len(predictions), len(self.topk), len(self.thrs))) for i, k in enumerate(self.topk): for j, thr in enumerate(self.thrs): # Only prediction socres larger than thr are counted as correct if thr is not None: thr_corrects = corrects & (pred_scores.T > thr) else: thr_corrects = corrects corrects_per_sample =[:, i, j].set( thr_corrects[:k].sum(0, keepdims=True).astype(jnp.int32)[0]) return corrects_per_sample @dispatch def _compute_corrects( self, predictions: Union[np.ndarray, Sequence[np.ndarray]], labels: Union[np.ndarray, Sequence[np.ndarray]]) -> np.ndarray: """Compute the correct number of per topk and threshold with NumPy. Args: prediction (numpy.ndarray | Sequence): Predictions from the model. Same as ``self.add``. labels (numpy.ndarray | Sequence): The ground truth labels. Same as ``self.add``. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Correct number with the following 2 shapes. - (N, ): If the ``predictions`` is a label array instead of score. Only return a top-1 correct array, and ignore the argument ``topk`` and ``thrs``. - (N, num_topk, num_thr): If the ``prediction`` is a score array (number of dimensions is 2). Return the correct number on each ``topk`` and ``thrs``. """ if not isinstance(predictions, np.ndarray): predictions = np.stack(predictions) if not isinstance(labels, np.ndarray): labels = np.stack(labels) if predictions.ndim == 1: corrects = (predictions == labels) return corrects.astype(np.int32) pred_scores, pred_label = _numpy_topk(predictions, self.maxk, axis=1) pred_label = pred_label.T # broadcast `label` to the shape of `pred_label` labels = np.broadcast_to(labels.reshape(1, -1), pred_label.shape) # compute correct array corrects = (pred_label == labels) # compute the corrects corresponding to all topk and thrs per sample corrects_per_sample = np.zeros( (len(predictions), len(self.topk), len(self.thrs))) for i, k in enumerate(self.topk): for j, thr in enumerate(self.thrs): # Only prediction socres larger than thr are counted as correct if thr is not None: thr_corrects = corrects & (pred_scores.T > thr) else: thr_corrects = corrects corrects_per_sample[:, i, j] = thr_corrects[:k].sum( 0, keepdims=True).astype(np.int32) return corrects_per_sample
[docs] def compute_metric( self, results: List[Union[Iterable, Union[np.number, 'torch.Tensor', 'tensorflow.Tensor', 'paddle.Tensor', 'jax.Array', 'flow.Tensor']]] ) -> Dict[str, float]: """Compute the accuracy metric. This method would be invoked in ``BaseMetric.compute`` after distributed synchronization. Args: results (list): A list that consisting the correct numbers. This list has already been synced across all ranks. Returns: Dict[str, float]: The computed accuracy metric. """ if _is_scalar(results[0]): return {'top1': float(sum(results) / len(results))} # type: ignore metric_results = {} for i, k in enumerate(self.topk): for j, thr in enumerate(self.thrs): corrects = [result[i][j] for result in results] # type: ignore acc = float(sum(corrects) / len(corrects)) name = f'top{k}' if len(self.thrs) > 1: name += '_no-thr' if thr is None else f'_thr-{thr:.2f}' metric_results[name] = acc return metric_results
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