
Source code for mmeval.metrics.ava_map

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import csv
import numpy as np
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime
from typing import List, Optional, Sequence

from mmeval.core.base_metric import BaseMetric
from ._vendor.ava_evaluation import object_detection_evaluation as det_eval
from ._vendor.ava_evaluation import standard_fields

[docs]class AVAMeanAP(BaseMetric): """AVA evaluation metric. AVA(Atomic Visual Action): This metric computes mAP using the ava evaluation toolkit provided by the author. Args: ann_file (str): The annotation file path. label_file (str): The label file path. exclude_file (str, optional): The excluded timestamp file path. Defaults to None. num_classes (int): Number of classes. Defaults to 81. custom_classes (list(int), optional): A subset of class ids from origin dataset. Defaults to None. verbose (bool): Whether to print messages in the evaluation process. Defaults to True. **kwargs: Keyword parameters passed to :class:`BaseMetric`. Examples: >>> from mmeval import AVAMeanAP >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> ann_file = 'tests/test_metrics/ava_detection_gt.csv' >>> label_file = 'tests/test_metrics/ava_action_list.txt' >>> num_classes = 4 >>> ava_metric = AVAMeanAP(ann_file=ann_file, label_file=label_file, >>> num_classes=4) >>> >>> predictions = [ >>> { >>> 'video_id': '3reY9zJKhqN', >>> 'timestamp': 1774, >>> 'outputs': [ >>> np.array([[0.362, 0.156, 0.969, 0.666, 0.106], >>> [0.442, 0.083, 0.721, 0.947, 0.162]]), >>> np.array([[0.288, 0.365, 0.766, 0.551, 0.706], >>> [0.178, 0.296, 0.707, 0.995, 0.223]]), >>> np.array([[0.417, 0.167, 0.843, 0.939, 0.015], >>> [0.35, 0.421, 0.57, 0.689, 0.427]]) ] >>> }, >>> { >>> 'video_id': 'HmR8SmNIoxu', >>> 'timestamp': 1384, >>> 'outputs': [ >>> np.array([[0.256, 0.338, 0.726, 0.799, 0.563], >>> [0.071, 0.256, 0.64, 0.75, 0.297]]), >>> np.array([[0.326, 0.036, 0.513, 0.991, 0.405], >>> [0.351, 0.035, 0.729, 0.936, 0.945]]), >>> np.array([[0.051, 0.005, 0.975, 0.942, 0.424], >>> [0.347, 0.05, 0.97, 0.944, 0.396]])] >>> }, >>> { >>> 'video_id': '5HNXoce1raG', >>> 'timestamp': 1097, >>> 'outputs': [ >>> np.array([[0.39, 0.087, 0.833, 0.616, 0.447], >>> [0.461, 0.212, 0.627, 0.527, 0.036]]), >>> np.array([[0.022, 0.394, 0.93, 0.527, 0.109], >>> [0.208, 0.462, 0.874, 0.948, 0.954]]), >>> np.array([[0.206, 0.456, 0.564, 0.725, 0.685], >>> [0.106, 0.445, 0.782, 0.673, 0.367]])]} >>> ] >>> ava_metric(predictions) {'mAP@0.5IOU': 0.027777778} """ def __init__(self, ann_file: str, label_file: str, exclude_file: Optional[str] = None, num_classes: int = 81, custom_classes: Optional[List[int]] = None, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self.ann_file = ann_file self.exclude_file = exclude_file self.label_file = label_file self.num_classes = num_classes self.custom_classes = custom_classes self.verbose = verbose if custom_classes is not None: self.custom_classes = [0] + custom_classes
[docs] def add(self, predictions: Sequence[dict]) -> None: # type: ignore """Add detection results to the results list. Args: predictions (Sequence[dict]): A list of prediction dict which contains the following keys: - `video_id`: The id of the video, e.g., `3reY9zJKhqN`. - `timestamp`: The timestamp of the video e.g., `1774`. - `outputs`: A list bbox results of each class with the format of [x1, y1, x2, y2, score]. """ for prediction in predictions: self._results.append(prediction)
[docs] def results2csv(self, results: List[dict], out_file: str) -> None: """Dump the results to a csv file. Args: results (list[dict]): A list of detection results. out_file (str): The output csv file path. """ csv_results = [] for res in results: video_id, timestamp = res['video_id'], res['timestamp'] outputs = res['outputs'] for label in range(len(outputs)): for bbox in outputs[label]: bbox_ = [f'{i:.3f}' for i in bbox.tolist()] if self.custom_classes is not None: actual_label = self.custom_classes[label + 1] else: actual_label = label + 1 row_result = [video_id, str(timestamp)] row_result += bbox_[:4] row_result += [str(actual_label)] row_result += bbox_[4:] csv_results.append(row_result) with open(out_file, 'w') as f: for csv_result in csv_results: f.write(','.join(csv_result)) f.write('\n')
[docs] def read_label(self, label_file: str) -> tuple: """Reads a label mapping file. Args: label_file (str): The path of label file. Returns: tuple (labelmap, class_ids): - labelmap (list): The label map in the form used by the object_detection_evaluation module - a list of {"id": integer, "name": classname } dicts. - class_ids (set): A set containing all of the valid class id integers. """ labelmap = [] class_ids = set() name = '' with open(label_file) as f: for line in f: if line.startswith(' name:'): name = line.split('"')[1] elif line.startswith(' id:') or line.startswith( ' label_id:'): class_id = int(line.strip().split(' ')[-1]) labelmap.append({'id': class_id, 'name': name}) class_ids.add(class_id) return labelmap, class_ids
[docs] def read_csv(self, csv_file: str, class_whitelist: Optional[set] = None) -> tuple: """Loads boxes and class labels from a CSV file in the AVA format. CSV file format described at Args: csv_file (str): A csv file path. class_whitelist (set, optional): If provided, boxes corresponding to (integer) class labels not in this set are skipped. Returns: tuple (boxes, labels, scores): - boxes (dict): A dictionary mapping each unique image key (string) to a list of boxes, given as coordinates [y1, x1, y2, x2]. - labels (dict): A dictionary mapping each unique image key (string) to a list of integer class labels, matching the corresponding box in `boxes`. - scores (dict): A dictionary mapping each unique image key (string) to a list of score values labels, matching the corresponding label in `labels`. If scores are not provided in the csv, then they will default to 1.0. """ entries = defaultdict(list) boxes = defaultdict(list) labels = defaultdict(list) scores = defaultdict(list) reader = csv.reader(open(csv_file)) for row in reader: assert len(row) in [7, 8], f'Wrong number of columns: {row}' image_key = f'{row[0]}, {int(row[1]): 04d}' x1, y1, x2, y2 = (float(n) for n in row[2:6]) action_id = int(row[6]) if class_whitelist and action_id not in class_whitelist: continue score = 1.0 if len(row) == 8: score = float(row[7]) entries[image_key].append((score, action_id, y1, x1, y2, x2)) for image_key in entries: # Evaluation API assumes boxes with descending scores entry = sorted(entries[image_key], key=lambda tup: -tup[0]) boxes[image_key] = [x[2:] for x in entry] labels[image_key] = [x[1] for x in entry] scores[image_key] = [x[0] for x in entry]'read file ' + csv_file) return boxes, labels, scores
[docs] def read_exclusions(self, exclude_file: str) -> set: """Reads a CSV file of excluded timestamps. Args: exclude_file (str): The path of exclude file. Returns: excluded (set): A set of strings containing excluded image keys, e.g. "aaaaaaaaaaa,0904" or an empty set if exclusions file is None. """ excluded = set() reader = csv.reader(open(exclude_file)) # type: ignore for row in reader: assert len(row) == 2, f'Expected only 2 columns, got: {row}' excluded.add(f'{row[0]}, {int(row[1]): 04d}') return excluded
[docs] def ava_eval(self, result_file: str) -> dict: """Perform ava evaluation. Args: result_file (str): The dumped results file path. Returns: dict: The evaluation results. """ categories, class_whitelist = self.read_label(self.label_file) if self.custom_classes is not None: custom_classes = self.custom_classes[1:] assert set(custom_classes).issubset(set(class_whitelist)) class_whitelist = custom_classes categories = [ cat for cat in categories if cat['id'] in custom_classes ] # loading gt, do not need gt score gt_boxes, gt_labels, _ = self.read_csv( self.ann_file, class_whitelist=class_whitelist) if self.verbose:'Reading detection results') if self.exclude_file is not None: excluded_keys = self.read_exclusions(self.exclude_file) else: excluded_keys = set() boxes, labels, scores = self.read_csv(result_file, class_whitelist) if self.verbose:'Reading detection results') # Evaluation for mAP pascal_evaluator = det_eval.PascalDetectionEvaluator(categories) for image_key in gt_boxes: if image_key in excluded_keys: if self.verbose: 'Found excluded timestamp in detections: %s.' 'It will be ignored.', image_key) continue pascal_evaluator.add_single_ground_truth_image_info( image_key, { standard_fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_boxes: np.array(gt_boxes[image_key], dtype=float), standard_fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_classes: np.array(gt_labels[image_key], dtype=int) }) if self.verbose:'Convert groundtruth') for image_key in boxes: if self.verbose and image_key in excluded_keys: 'Found excluded timestamp in detections: %s.' 'It will be ignored.', image_key) continue pascal_evaluator.add_single_detected_image_info( image_key, { standard_fields.DetectionResultFields.detection_boxes: np.array(boxes[image_key], dtype=float), standard_fields.DetectionResultFields.detection_classes: np.array(labels[image_key], dtype=int), standard_fields.DetectionResultFields.detection_scores: np.array(scores[image_key], dtype=float) }) if self.verbose:'convert detections') metrics = pascal_evaluator.evaluate() if self.verbose:'run_evaluator') for display_name in metrics:'{display_name}=\t{metrics[display_name]}') return { display_name: metrics[display_name] for display_name in metrics if 'ByCategory' not in display_name }
[docs] def compute_metric(self, results: list) -> dict: """Compute the AVA MeanAP. Args: results (list): A list of detection results. Returns: dict: The computed ava metric. """ time_now ='%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') temp_file = f'AVA_{time_now}_result.csv' self.results2csv(results, temp_file) eval_results = self.ava_eval(temp_file) os.remove(temp_file) return eval_results
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